ERHe Ultimate Summer Training 2021

ERHe Ultimate in Otaniemi, June 2021. We are waiting for you!

Outdoor training for the summer season 2021 is open. ERHe is playing ultimate frisbee in Espoo in two different spots.

Monday evenings: Otaniemi Sports Park next to Otahalli.

Wednesday evenings: Silkkiniitty fields in Tapiola, Espoo near Menninkäisentie 8 (Google Maps).

Training dates and times may change so please send us a DM on Facebook or Instagram or an e-mail to erheultimate(a) for the details!

Can I join the training?

Yes! Training is open for all. Our training sessions are run in mixed format meaning men and women are on the field at the same time.

Our club has a wide range of player experience and beginners are very welcome. Some ERHe members started playing ultimate with us, while others have multiple years of competitive experience.

What should I bring to ultimate training?

  • Cleats (football shoes) are recommended. Running shoes are also fine but they may be slippery on grass.
  • Personal water bottle.
  • A black and a white t-shirt. This will make it easier to divide players into teams when playing. We also use vests if allowed by covid regulations so don’t worry too much if you are missing the right color.

Frisbees are provided by the team but you are free to bring your own if you want. ????

How much does playing with ERHe cost?

The first two sessions are free. If you would like to continue training with us, there is a small season fee.

In case you are interested in playing with ERHe or joining social events organized by the club, we will also ask for a membership fee. The membership is not needed if you only prefer to participate in training.


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